Friday, June 3, 2011

Am I crazy?

A little sin has to be answered for just like a big sin but dadgumm some people see how far they can strech it! I don't want to have to answer for my stuff, I can't imagine standing in front of God answering to Him about some of the things people do. I don't understand how some people don't even TRY to serve the Lord or who say they do and yet do some of the most bizzare things! You would think that if Christ was in your heart you wouldn't be doing such satinistic things. I'm a sinner just like everyone else, difference is I TRY to live for Christ and sometimes I fall and do something I'm going to have to answer for, I don't walk around acting as stupid as possible and not giving a care one min. then proclaim that I'm a Christian in the next. I'm on a sopabox about this I know, but am I the only one who thinks that some people are NUTS!?