Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
This year is going to be a busy year for our little house and today we felt the effects of all that on our shoulders. With tensions building and tempers trying to flair we decided to take a mini getaway. We shopped the kids to mom (all the way across the yard), enjoyed a glass (or two) of wine and decided tomorrow was going to be an us only day. So we all slept in (I got the girls around 12am) skipped church (even God rested) and layed around watching westerns all morning. We made an incredible enchilada lunch together, cleaned a little house together, and sent Paul to bed before work...together. It was nice to turn it all off and be...together. When daddy was asleep we snuck out and went to mom and dads for's my bday tomorrow.
This year is a life changing one. In with a new phase and out with one I'm quite accustom too and not ready to give up. After an entire year of paper work, lawyers and mess we are in the last and final step of buying 2 1/2 acres in our dream spot. After 11 years Paul and I are going back to California to visit friends, family, and spend our first real family vacation together with our girls. After 3 years of night classes and a mess of classes I didn't need I will graduate with my Associates degree in Pre Ed in May. After almost 8 years of being a stay at home mom I will be going back to work but this time doing what I love. After 8 years of raising youngest is starting school....there will be none left at home during the day....*insert bawling like a baby*.
~ps...I'm pretty sure I started menopause this morning. WHY NOT AT THE RATE I'M GOING!!
This year is a life changing one. In with a new phase and out with one I'm quite accustom too and not ready to give up. After an entire year of paper work, lawyers and mess we are in the last and final step of buying 2 1/2 acres in our dream spot. After 11 years Paul and I are going back to California to visit friends, family, and spend our first real family vacation together with our girls. After 3 years of night classes and a mess of classes I didn't need I will graduate with my Associates degree in Pre Ed in May. After almost 8 years of being a stay at home mom I will be going back to work but this time doing what I love. After 8 years of raising youngest is starting school....there will be none left at home during the day....*insert bawling like a baby*.
~ps...I'm pretty sure I started menopause this morning. WHY NOT AT THE RATE I'M GOING!!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
My third & last born. My lil bit, Hay Hay, brat. A ball of fire with all the qualifications of ADHD. Has her daddy's number. Get's just about everything she wants...a stereotypical spoiled baby of the family. Doesn't know a stranger, will hug, hit, and talk to anyone. God's way of teaching me patience. Will start school this fall...and that terrifies me. A heart bigger than Texas and a punch bigger Tyson. My little monkey. Third pregnancy (aweful, first case of morning sickness...still don't know why they call it MORNING sickness, gall bladder attacks), third delivery (c section, epidural malfunction, horrible) I was told after her to not take the chance of having another even though we so badly wanted one more...still do. Joy of my day, never seases to amaze me. Never a dull moment with this one, keeps me on my toes. Love's with all her heart, and shows you every chance she gets. My little munchkin this is my ode to you my love.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
My second born. Miss boss. Vogt to the core. Will love you or hate you. Always on her best behavior. Sweet as pie and will show off when she's comfortable with you. Dancer and singer. Hugger and kisser. Doesn't care if she gets dirty and can eat like nobody's business. Country at heart, loves camo, camping, and anything outside. Doing great in school, wants to be a mom and Sunday School teacher. Said she wants to tell people about Jesus. How awesome is that! Cute as a button with dimples in her cheeks and a heart of Gold. THinks she's left out but is always right there with the rest of them. Love her to the core, she's my Lana Milana. She is every sense of the words cute, funny, and smart. My second pregancy (a little harder) second birth (first c section because the cord was around her neck 3 times) the joy of my day, breaks my heart to see you cry. Teen years will be hard with you because I will murder the boy who makes you cry.This is my ode to you Lana my love.
Friday, February 11, 2011
My sweet first born. Emotional, cocky, diva. The do-er of everything. Hides her love, is shy and always gets a good report. I've been told she needs to be cloned. She's neat and tidy, the best kid a mom could ask for...goes to bed before 8pm awake and dressed before 7am. Not quite a leader but knows when to stand her ground. Wants to be a Vet, Teacher, Fashion Designer and Mom. My first of everything, each day is a learning experience with her. First pregnancy (easy), first labor (natural, no meds, lasted around 2 days). A truely great spirit, until a sister takes her toys. Was an only child for 3 years...and likes her alone time....has offered to give away her sisters. I love you Trin Trin and this is my ode to you my love.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
3 years ago we adopted Cassie. Her mother is a beautiful white husky with blue eyes. Her father is a handsom chocolate lab. Cassie looks & acts like a husky with her daddies loyalty and chocolate color & mommas blue eyes. She's my 4th girl, I love her...except her husky ways of roaming. We have been keeping her tied since October when she climbed the fence, ran the neighborhood for a month & was returned by a neighbor with a nasty wound on her side....& pregnant. in December we were blessed with 8 babies, sadly 2 died at birth. We found a great home for one of the boys & have 5 left for our amusment. 2 we are keeping, Pretty Girl who is black brown & white with georgous green eyes, & Blue who has a half blue eye & blue heeler specks like her daddy. We wanted to keep the other boy, Bolt, but have decided the girls are better behaved. So Bolt & his 2 twin sisters have to go. Bolt has his momas blue eyes & is solid white. The girls are solid white & are two peas in a pod. HOWEVER, the three of them are so husky it's unreal. They escape daily, climb,dig,whine,jump,destroy everything, & need to find a new home. My 2 little girls just lay around & chill like their dad...I love them. So today as the sun peeked out & started the thawing process. In dog terms that ment runn for the hills & bark like there is no tomorrow. As of this moment I feel like I have 3 toddlers in my back yard. I'm praying they are asleep & to afraid to look. I found someone who wants Bolt & will meet with her tomorrow...whew, 1 down 2 to go. I need a hot bath & some of that "me time" I was talking about yesterday PRONTO. So that was my day in a nutt shell. The girls are out of school tomorrow...YAY! But I have class...BOO! Glad all my works done! ;~)
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Habits are hard to break. I have broken some and have some I need to break. I have one habit that is the hardest thing I've ever had to correct...temper. But, while I work on that BIG one I'm knocking out some small ones. We've had record setting snow fall in Oklahoma this past couple weeks and so the girls and I have been out of school. For some reason I have gotten a TON of stuff finished. All those little annoying projects like going through the clothes, toys, junk drawers. I've even managed to get all my homework done along with rewrite all my notes and study...if you know me you know that's a feat. I have realized that I am more organized than I thought! I am perfectly capable of being a good student! I just need to find the time. I have been able to take the time to get my house in order ~ a house that is severely passed up by the hustle and bustle of daily life. Once that was done (office not included, I know) I was able to sit and enjoy my homework. It wasn't nearly as stressful! Thankfully we got another few inches of snow today so I was able to get new assignments done and tomorrow will be dedicated to tackling that office. (I've said it out loud therefore it must be done). So it's time to break out the ole appointment book and pencil in some me time. I did this most of the semester last fall but lost in the office is my new planner for 2011. Let's see what the bible says about "me time"...
3 John 1:2 Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.
Just like I daily focus on the Word for strength...I need to daily focus on myself to evaluate. It's critical to reflect on where we stand and where we are to improve to be more like HIM. That, for me, requires a long hot bath.... ;~)
3 John 1:2 Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.
Just like I daily focus on the Word for strength...I need to daily focus on myself to evaluate. It's critical to reflect on where we stand and where we are to improve to be more like HIM. That, for me, requires a long hot bath.... ;~)
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
I'm new...
So hubby is off to work, kiddos in bed, snow rolling this way across the state. Thanks to my wonderful Aunt (in law) I have been inspired to blog. Now I just have to figure out how to do it. I've been playing with the idea of starting a journal to clear my mind so this may be just what I need. Now, to figure out how to design this to look like something...I guess I'll search the web for ideas and see if I can't rummage up something pretty to look at. I have lots of great pics I'd like to show off but for some reason it only wants to post the entire album in lue of my fave snap shot. Sigh, I need a destressor these days...I hope this is it. Although I found myself lost in my Sunday School readings this afternoon. I'm just waist deep in Sheparding A Childs Heart and all the support it provides. In a book teaching me how to parent to please the Lord I have found such encouragement for my present situation. A situation that can only be resolved by the Lords hand. My "to do" list is made up of 2 things....
1. Serve the Lord
2. De-stress
Of course there are many other things on that list but those are my focus right now. "Do all things to the glory of the Lord." I'm not sure where this blog will lead but I hope someone will enjoy my ramblings. I'll enjoy getting them out of my brain....LOL
1. Serve the Lord
2. De-stress
Of course there are many other things on that list but those are my focus right now. "Do all things to the glory of the Lord." I'm not sure where this blog will lead but I hope someone will enjoy my ramblings. I'll enjoy getting them out of my brain....LOL
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