Sunday, February 20, 2011


This year is going to be a busy year for our little house and today we felt the effects of all that on our shoulders. With tensions building and tempers trying to flair we decided to take a mini getaway. We shopped the kids to mom (all the way across the yard), enjoyed a glass (or two) of wine and decided tomorrow was going to be an us only day. So we all slept in (I got the girls around 12am) skipped church (even God rested) and layed around watching westerns all morning. We made an incredible enchilada lunch together, cleaned a little house together, and sent Paul to bed before work...together. It was nice to turn it all off and be...together. When daddy was asleep we snuck out and went to mom and dads for's my bday tomorrow.
This year is a life changing one. In with a new phase and out with one I'm quite accustom too and not ready to give up. After an entire year of paper work, lawyers and mess we are in the last and final step of buying 2 1/2 acres in our dream spot. After 11 years Paul and I are going back to California to visit friends, family, and spend our first real family vacation together with our girls. After 3 years of night classes and a mess of classes I didn't need I will graduate with my Associates degree in Pre Ed in May. After almost 8 years of being a stay at home mom I will be going back to work but this time doing what I love. After 8 years of raising youngest is starting school....there will be none left at home during the day....*insert bawling like a baby*. 
~ps...I'm pretty sure I started menopause this morning. WHY NOT AT THE RATE I'M GOING!! 

1 comment:

  1. We are all works in progress. If we aren't growing and changing then we are living in dangerous territory. Every time I get too comfortable I fall flat on my butt in trouble. Keep on truckin'.
